The most common type of Low vision

In medical jargon ‘Low vision’ is a term used to describe a condition of visual impairment where the patient is unable to see clearly even after wearing glasses or contact lenses. The person is unable to do a regular task or face difficulty seeing things clearly even after the surgery or prescription. 

Eye specialists in Thatipur, Gwalior told us about the study conducted in the year 2002. According to the study, 124 million people were suffering from low vision in the world. The number keeps increasing every day because of the excessive use of mobile phones, laptops, and other electronic gadgets. Hence it becomes really necessary to take good care of our eyes.

Anyone can be affected by low vision but people over the age of 45 or 75 are more prone to this condition. There are more chances to affect with such issues in the older age. Besides, it can also occur due to some injury or medical problems. Sometimes it can also occur due to diabetes and eye cancer. There are some treatments available for low vision but they are not completely effective and low vision can be permanent. Therefore it is better to have regular eye check-ups to prevent yourself from all types of eye diseases.

Types of Low vision

The type of low vision you have depends on the conditions and symptoms you are having. Your doctor can give you a better idea about it after certain eye tests. Some of the most common types of low vision generally found in people are:

Central vision loss - this condition occurred when the center of our retina is affected. It can affect the central vision and the person face difficulty seeing the object in the center.

Peripheral vision loss - this term refers to when the person is unable to see things properly from the corner of the eye. However, the central vision is not affected in this condition.

Night blindness - if the person facing difficulty seeing things properly in the low light or dark, this condition is called night blindness in medical terms.

Depth prescription – this term basically means the capability of the person measuring the distance of the things. In this condition, the person is unable to measure the distance of the things properly due to the damage in the vision.

Contrast sensitivity – the patient who is suffering from contrast sensitivity, loss the ability to distinguish between the similar-looking object. It generally develops due to cataracts or diabetic retinopathy.

Blurry or hazy vision – in this condition the objects near or far could not appear clearly or the person sees a glare around it.


Low vision is not completely curable. However, there are many devices available that can help to make your vision better. Your doctor can assess your condition and prescribe you visual aids accordingly. If low vision is not in worse condition, these visual aids can help you to see things better. To know which visual aids are better for you consult the eye specialist, go to the proper screening test, and follow the guidance of your doctor.
